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Strong international integration aimed to meet the needs of international issuers and investors




Since its inception, MAROCLEAR has maintained a network of contacts and close relationships all over the world with many foreign Central Depositories as well as with the entire international profession. Affiliated with numerous associations (ANNA, ISSA, AMEDA, APE), our Institution has developed its presence abroad. This approach has allowed it to be upgraded by a permanent benchmark through its participation in the many international events of the sector. As a result, MAROCLEAR has succeeded in establishing its leadership at the regional level.


As part of the South-South cooperation, MAROCLEAR has established links with new partners and signed agreements that allow to exchange experiences and good practices with our counterparts in Africa, to promote and encourage opportunities cooperation and capacity building of the teams in their capital market modernization. Many links are being strengthened between the Central Depositories of the African continent to promote new opportunities for collaboration and integration into Post-Trade activities and services. Thus, MAROCLEAR contributes to the building of a new architecture of the booming African market and whose future growth is at the heart of all predictive indicators.



ANNA is a global industry association with operations in more than 120 countries, including central banks, central securities depositories, data providers, regulators and exchanges.


ISSA brings together securities influencers, regulators and other industry stakeholders to foster coordination and international collaboration in the securities services industry.


AMEDA is an elective, interprofessional and regional structure that promotes a spirit of cooperation, reciprocity and harmony among its members, to achieve the targets.


AFE is an association that brings together Arab Stock Exchanges. It allows the exchange of good practices and offers opportunities for collaboration between its members.