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Maroclear aims to promote a common understanding of ethical practices and standards of integrityshould govern the conduct of all MAROCLEAR employees.



Since its creation, MAROCLEAR has endeavored to respect and promote ethics and deontology in all the actions it undertakes. It has a Code of professional ethics for staff and board members whose main principles guide each employee and board members in the performance of their duties.


Inspired by the universal principles of professional ethics, the Code of Ethics and Deontology complements the obligations that derive from the legal, regulatory, contractual and other provisions that govern MAROCLEAR, without however replacing them. This Code sets out the standards, rules, values and principles that should govern the conduct of all MAROCLEAR employees.


MAROCLEAR devotes significant attention and effort to ensure the principles and values that govern it are met and it aims to promote a common understanding of ethical practices and standards of integrity. For this purpose, the Central Depository organizes regular thematic awareness sessions for the benefit of all its employees.


In the interest of transparency, MAROCLEAR has also put in place a securities portfolio reporting mechanism for its employees, in strict compliance with applicable regulations. Furthermore, MAROCLEAR undertakes, towards its stakeholders, to be in constant listening and dynamic of the needs of the financial center and to work for its development, to provide quality services, and this, within the framework of the rigorous application and equitable regulation. In addition, the Central Depository takes all the necessary precautions to exert the utmost discretion with respect to confidentiality and professional secrecy regarding its activities and its stakeholders.