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2018-2022 Roadmap

A strategic plan with high technological content

2018/2020 Roadmap


MAROCLEAR’s primary mission is to guarantee its affiliates the quality and continuity of its services. To this end, the Institution has adopted a strategic line to confidently ensure its role at the national level. This strategy consists in adapting to technological developments but also in anticipating them by a proactive approach and a constant vigilence.


MAROCLEAR acts to ensure that the digital transformation is in phase with the various current developments that are taking place on the international financial market. MAROCLEAR’s strategic approach is also accompanied by a long-term vision: to participate in the emergence of a regional financial hub. MAROCLEAR’s ambitions on the African continent are substantial. Thanks to its anticipation capabilities and its strategic choices, MAROCLEAR is ready for any development opportunity in the region.


In 20 years of existence, MAROCLEAR’s history has been marked by several major milestones. Each of these corresponds to decisive strategic decisions, which are often incorporated into technological turning points. Thus, in 2010, the upgrade in the IT Systems enabled MAROCLEAR to take an important step forward and to improve its skills up until 2015. The following years were for MAROCLEAR periods of consolidation and acceleration for all the company’s development projects as well as for its organization. Finally, 2018 kicked off a new strategic plan, named 2018-2022 Roadmap (Cap 2018-2022). This new plan, which remains in line with the strategic vision of MAROCLEAR, incorporates new technological challenges.



- Ensuring the resilience and ramp-up of the Maroclear Information System

- Complying with standardization actions and national and international regulations

- Investing in human capital to guarantee the highest levels of expertise



Designed as a continuation of the actions undertaken by MAROCLEAR since its creation, this new five-year plan sets the major strategic directions. In order to enhance the performance, efficiency and resilience of the company, the use of new technologies is the backbone of this new plan. Indeed, these accompany the transformation of the company and in particular the digitization of all MAROCLEAR processes. In addition, the use of new technologies opens up considerable opportunities for expanding the supply of products and services, improving their quality, making them more accessible, cheaper and safer. Finally, this new strategic plan is also focused on innovation. The increasing porosity between the physical and the digital worlds imposes new modes of transaction management to meet the new needs of investors and issuers. New business prospects are emerging for MAROCLEAR that will profoundly change the situation in the local and international market. Indeed, in order to break with technological dependence, MAROCLEAR can become both an actor and a creator of technologies. With this new expertise, the Central Depository could accelerate its development ambitions in Africa and make the Kingdom’s desire to shine over the continent come true.



- Development and continuous improvement of the supply of services on the local market;

- Materialization of our ambitions to bring out a regional and international financial hub in Morocco;

- Continuous technological intelligence and benchmarks of best practices internationally.